Thursday, February 12, 2009


This image is a piece of found garbage. I was walking past campus center last night and the repeating pattern of the ice cream sandwiches caught my eye. And I immediately though, "Oh, Andy Warhol." It occurred to me what that said about Andy Warhol, garbage, and art as I peeled the sticky wrapper from the bricks and dug through my pockets for a place to store it. This is definitely not art--but that it seems to allude to a famous artist and his work could suggest the way in which Andy Warhol's pop art has become completely ingrained in our culture. A repeating image in and of itself is not remarkable. Rather, the image of the ice cream sandwich is probably an advertising technique. But in this context, it seems to reference cans of soup, brillo boxes, flowers, and all of the other icons that Warhol used.

There is also something disturbing about this image when separated from its original context, most specifically the fake toothmarks. They give you a clear idea of what you are supposed to do to the product wrapped inside. But without the rest of the wrapper, you can draw your own conclusions about what is being said about the product.

google earth placemark to come

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